Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Poop problems and another fix.

So my kid did not poop for 45+ days. Dr's didn't seam real worried even though she had a hurt tummy and felt as thought she needed to pee all the time.  We first thought UTI, but in a young kid that's odd. (Insert Mom's worry of abuse) In the end we tried everything. Over the counter to special stuff "she won't even get past the 3 dose" (she finished the bottle with no poop). In the end we sat in a family members spa, drank miralax till the cows came home and pumped her full of liquids. 
We at one point stopped miralax because it gave her bad gas. It was bad enough to not be able to poop but then to have gas on top of it made it worse. 

Finally was educated by a great peds Dr. (Dr Shah) that even if it were so bad they'd have to admit her, they would only give high doses of oral miralax. 

We went home and I became aggressive.  My baby was hurting so bad she was now sitting in the bathroom most of the day screaming and crying. So, a dose of laxative 1200 x the amount suggested, along with miralax, spa, castrol oil and daily enemas and we got relief in 4 days. 

We now have to rehab the intestine with daily miralax for the next 6 months. 

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