Friday, November 30, 2012

Help stop coughing.

Try this old wives tale to help your kid get through the night with little to no coughing. No one knows why this works but it does. I do a couple extra steps pre vapor rub. I get the hottest washcloth my kids can stand and wash their feet. Leaving the rag against the feet to open the pores and then drying them quickly. Then I rub a small amount of the rub into the bottoms of the feet and cover wih sock.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Stripped hole

Fix a stripped hole by filling it with a toothpick or 4. I've never filled the hole completely as this pic shows but 1 or 2 in a small hole for a dresser drawer pull works magic.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Girls have Pinterest, Guys get my lame blog

Since becoming a dad I've always wanted to write a book on all the tricks and tweaks I've learned. From old wives tales that actually work to silly construction tricks.  While I don't claim to be a DR. or Homes on Homes, these ideas have worked for me.

Lets start with some kid stuff:
1) Ear aches: I have found that the homeopathic ear drops work well when my kids have ear pain. Such as the pains that come when they are sick.

2)Splinters: Use baby Orajel. Dab some jel on the splinter opening before taking a needle to it. Acts like a numbing agent.