Thursday, December 27, 2012

Guns - Kids

While this post will go a different way at the end. Let me start by saying that I hope you have your guns locked up. It may or may not be the law in your area of the land but either way your kids are more important than the 15 seconds it will take for you to access the safe to get the guy breaking in.

Now, with the school shooting in CT. and the Christmas Eve killing of two firemen at a house fire, the gun debate is a HOT topic.

Let me ask you this though. (And its not my original idea)

I'm a gun owner and have my own views. I was a cop for 12 years and have my own views good and bad that way too.

We get so worked up when someone walks into a school and kills handfuls of children and yet we don't have the same gut wrenching feeling and outward call for change with ~ 125,000 abortions per day.   What gives???

1 comment:

  1. I hear you. Life is life. It should be protected at all stages.
